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If you don’t have any talents apart from your revenue-generating work, your social and personal wounds will never be healed.


Have the power and guts to say NO to people, in the short run it may seem poisonous, but in the long term it is a blessing.

If you dream of just ‘taking’ in any relationship, forget about that relationship.

If you want to start or learn something new and positive, start now, I mean literally now; if you delay it to next week or next month, then God bless you!

Be grateful to the last breath you inhale before sleeping, the next inhale may not emerge the next day.

No amount of money or property can give that amount of happiness compared to entering your subconscious mind while meditating.

Having faith in a statue or person is optional, but having faith in yourself is pertinent.

Never underestimate someone in any skill, trust me, I’ve seen impossible things being achieved by a nobody.

You can always be an arts student even if not opting for that stream, because creativity in arts can open those doors which even science or commerce can’t!

No relationship is deemed forever, so better be detached from others, but dwell together in love and respect.

You are lucky if you accept the fact that life will always be an adventurous struggle rather than thinking there’s some wave you’ll topple upon and there will be a sea of gold!

Playing with a dog as your pet and roasting a goat for dinner seems questionable, either play with both or relish them both. I prefer the first option!

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